An Attempt to Make A Card

I've always been interested in painting. Though the painting lessons we used to take at school seemed nothing less than a torture to me. I could never put shades or pick the right color. I even failed in one of my tests because of my poor coloring knowledge. But I occasionally give it a try.

The only problem with me is that I can't imagine stuff and draw them. I need something to copy from. If I'm given what I'm supposed to draw, I can imitate it, even the colors. They are never perfect though, but they are never totally wasted either.

Here's a card (I've given the photos of all the three pages of it) that I made for one of my friend's birthday. Unfortunately it wasn't as beautiful as it would have been if I'd bought a card. But my friend was actually happy to receive it.

Oh ya, I used paper glitters as well.
All the photos had been downloaded from the internet and I copied from them.
The photo of the cake has some problems in it. After finishing with the colors, I outlined it with black paint and brush. Naturally, it went all shaky, and messed it. Later I bought a marker and outlined the other figures, and regretted why I hadn't thought about the marker earlier!

I've been thinking about joining painting lessons, just so that I can draw stuff myself. I had a plan of painting a 3ft*4ft poster for my wall (Winnie the Pooh and his friend, also downloaded from the internet) but I've run out of white paint. Dunno where to get some. As long as I can't find it, I guess I'll have to put off my work. Most people prefer ready-made stuff, so they keep asking me why I don't buy instead of working so hard and not getting a too-perfect painting. My answer is-painting yourself is actually much cooler than buying something! If you have the creativity, why not use it?


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