Recipe: Semolina Nuggets

This recipe is positioned at the top of my 'All-time Favourite Snacks' list. Easy to prepare and yummy as hell-this recipe was taught to me by my mother and it was always known to me as a family recipe. However, I believed that the recipe was quite common, but after looking for it in the internet I couldn't find it posted anywhere; although I'm sure almost all the households of Bangladesh has tried these nuggets for at least once in their life. Below is the recipe:


1. Semolina--1 cup
2. Onion--1, medium sized
3. Egg--1 big or 2 small
4. Vegetables--finely chopped; optional
5. Green Chillies--3-4, chopped
6. Salt--a pinch, or to taste
7. Oil--enough to deep fry the nuggets

Adjustments: The amount stated above is most likely to yield about 7-8 nuggets, or more if you make them small. If you want to increase the serving, add another (or more) egg(s) and semolina, and increase the amount of onions and vegetables. Don't forget to adjust the salt! Just another pinch should do the work.
Again, if you think your mixture is too runny, add more semolina to it. If you think it's too firm, add a little egg. I think it's wise to measure one cup of semolina but not putting it into the egg in one go. Mix a little at a time until you reach your desired density. I like mine to be a little soft, because the more egg-ish the batter is, the fresh you will taste the eggs. Otherwise the nuggets are all firm and don't want to go through my throat!


1. Beat the egg(s) in a bowl. Add salt, chopped onions and vegetables and chopped chillies to it.
2. Heat oil in a frying pan.
3. Use a spoon or hand to make small balls, and put them into the hot oil for frying.
4. Cook in a medium heat until golden brown.
5. Serve with tomato sauce or any other sauce that you prefer!

It takes less than 30 minutes to be prepared! I also posted this recipe to and they gave me the nutritional value of per serving. Click to visit the page!

So this was my version of the recipe, but I'm sure it can be customized in many other ways. So try adding a few other ingredients to give it different tastes. But once you do that, don't forget to come back and let me know about it so that I can prepare it myself and enjoy it with you.
Thanks a lot for showing interest! Enjoy!


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