Ambrosia Soap Commercial: Zombie Invasion

Hello all!
This is a very special post, because it happens to relate to my first ever commercial shoot.
Before you start guessing things, just let me tell you something real quick: I am not a model and this was not an actual TVC. We created it for our Marketing (Advertising and Promotion) course.

Take a look at this video and read along :)

We were asked to invent the complete idea for a soap and promoting it. We had the option of being creative, and I came up with this idea out of the blue.
This is my highest creative input so far!

Due to a bad political situation at our country it had become really difficult for us to do the shoot. We were literally stuck inside our house for more than a month, and did not get any time for it.
Our submission is on the 5th of January, and we worked on it on the 31st of December.
Don't feel sorry! This was one of the best thirty-firsts of my life :D

Some of you might say that there are a thousand flaws in this video. There might be, because we are no professionals. Yeah we had a nice camera, but we did not have proper tools or other resources to make this look really professional. But I can tell you all that we have given our 100% in this project.
The location was a group mate's house, camera was another group mate's, the makeup for the zombie were done by us and the script was written by another group mate.

Model: Ayesha and Rakin
Camera and Direction: Farhan and Navid
Creative: Mehnaz (me)

Enjoy the video and please don't forget to +1 if you like it! :)
If you have any comments about it go ahead and comment. Your opinion matters a lot to us.

Thank you! :)


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