The Newest Generation: Too Techie?

I went to visit my grandma today, and found my 3-years-and-something-months old cousin playing GTA: San Andreas on his father's computer.

"What's the big deal? He was probably just running a car around the streets."
"One of his sisters must have turned it on for him. Wasn't she just playing a game like Candy Crush Saga?"

No! He did all of that himself!

What astounded me the most is his adeptness at finding out the games from the menu. He cannot read, yet, but he knows where to find the games and how to turn them on. He even knows which option in the game menu is 'New Game', which one is 'Load Game' and which one is 'Exit'. He probably just memorizes the location of the particular file or folder, and that's how he navigates through the system!

I swear I saw him using the 'Esc' button a couple of times!

I sat there staring at his fingers as they impatiently tapped on the keyboard, furious when a few programs would take longer to load.

In GTA, he usually steals cars/bikes/bicycles from other people and drives them, sometimes running people over. That's all he does there. Apprently his favorite part of the game is when he kills cops and random passers-by.

Well, it's not the first time I have seen a small boy do all these. I have another cousin who went to nursery school, and he was adept in both computer and cellphone games (he still is, I'll vouch for that!); and he couldn't read well at that time either! He only memorized the paths where the folders were located, and that's how he found his was around the system!

Wow, they put me to shame! At their age I couldn't even talk properly. And the first time I had learnt computer, all I could do was click on the 'Sims' logo from the desktop. If anyone had told me to find my way to it from the pool of folders, I would probably have fainted!

So where does this put us? And where does it put them? They will obviously be more techie than we are now by the time they reach our age, and they will probably bring about more development than we have managed so far. I guess Moore's law applies to both chips and human brain, especially of the ones that are born in this generation!

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