30-day Playdough Challenge: Day 5: Pizza!

Finally the pizza! The pizza!
Unfortunately the pizza did not come along as I had expected. I had only white clay, not the brownish one like a baked pizza.

Here are the photos:

First, I took a piece of red clay and made a string out of it.

After that, I used the cutter shown on the photos to cut small portions from the string to make tomatoes.

I pressed the small bits with my fingers to make the slices of tomatoes. I mad quite a few of them.

Now it was time for the dough because the slices of tomatoes had started to dry! I took the white clay, kneaded and shaped it into a ball.

I did not have a pin to roll it, so I used a pen. But it still did not work. Finally I had to go for a lid to finish the job. I used the lid as a mold and used my fingers to spread out the dough evenly.

After that, I used my fingers to create shapes around the circumference of the pizza dough.

I placed the tomatoes on top of it:

I took a piece of green and a piece of yellow clay to make chopped capsicum. I made strands out of them and cut small portions with my cutter.

I also used the brown clay to create toppings. You can either call them chopped black olives or beef cubes, since I was not sure what they would be and simply used them for color variation.
All the topping were done and they went on top of the dough.

This was still not looking like a pizza because of the white dough. So I cut a piece, and it somewhat looked like one.

So here's my not so perfect clay pizza. To be honest I was expecting better. But the white clay messed it all up.

P.S. I am moving to animals now. Will come back to cakes and cupcakes later! :)
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