30-day Playdough Challenge: Day 6: CREEPY Bear

Finally the sixth day came! I hadn't expected it to be so late, but I kinda got tangled into the mess of finals and term paper work, hence the delay.

This time, my target was to create some berries or a white cat. But since the pizza, my white clay has never been the same before. There are splotches of green and red mixed with the stick and I am afraid that I might not be able to use it for something that does not allow red and green shades to be in it. I also found out that I had used a dirty hand to create the pizza dough, because the white clay had tinges of grayish/brownish residue mixed all over which I identified as dirt.

Anyway, so this time I decided to do bear, which, I am mortified to announce, did not come out as I had expected. Seems like my sculpting days full of success are wonders are over!

Okay, so here are the steps that I followed for making the bear. I was so submerged into the process that I forgot to take snapshot for every detail I put on the head. But I am sure you will understand if you look at it carefully.

At first, I took the entire stick and divided them into three portions: one for the head, one for the body and one for the arms and feet.

I started working with the biggest ball, which was supposed to be the body. I used my fingers to give it some shape. I could not give it the the proper angles of a bear's body, but kept it like the following for adjusting later.

Next, I took the smallest ball and divided it into four small portions. I used two of them to make the hands and the rest two to make the feet.
I used a thin stick to create the fingers.

For the feet, I rolled the clay with my palms and then used my fingers to shape it like the following:

I repeated the step with the stick to create am image of fingers on the feet.
I attached these to the body, and reshaped it a bit.

Because the feet had thin extensions on one side, they attached to the body without any problem. But for the arms, I used small sticks to attach them to the body.

After that, I picked up the remaining ball and crafted the head with all the details. Look at the picture.

Sloppy! Grrr!
This piece too, got a stick so that it can stay still on top of the body piece and does not fall down. I assembled everything, and this is what it looked like:

The white patch? I don't know about it either! I just know they appear on teddies.
At this point, my mom came to check on my work, and after a peek, she told me that the eyes were freaking her out (which, to some extent, were scaring me as well), so I readjusted the pupils, and made them smaller. I added whiskers, and later found out they don't have any! So my bear here seemed to have wafers sticking out of its mouth! How embarrassing!

And here's the photo from my Instagram:

So here's my bear eating wafers and looking creepy! I wish I could give him a softer look!
Elephant coming up next!
Click here to see the complete album of my 30-day challenge on Facebook!


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